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5 Ergebnisse.

Crisis and Constitutionalism: Roman Political Thought fro...

Straumann, Benjamin
Crisis and Constitutionalism: Roman Political Thought from the Fall of the Republic to the Age of Revolution
The crisis and fall of the Roman Republic spawned a tradition of political thought that sought to evade the Republic's fate--despotism. Thinkers from Cicero to Bodin, Montesquieu, and the American Founders saw constitutionalism, not virtue, as the remedy. This study traces Roman constitutional thought from antiquity to the Revolutionary Era.

CHF 167.00

Roman Law in the State of Nature

Straumann, Benjamin
Roman Law in the State of Nature
This comprehensive analysis of the foundations of Hugo Grotius' natural law theory assesses for the first time the importance of texts from classical antiquity, especially Roman law and a specifically Ciceronian brand of Stoicism, and explores the significance of the Roman tradition for Grotius, a humanist steeped in Roman law.

CHF 46.50

Crisis and Constitutionalism

Straumann, Benjamin
Crisis and Constitutionalism
Pays attention to the highly juridical and legalized language used by the protagonists of the struggles of the late Republic~Seriously considers the constitutional nature of the arguments made by all sides of the struggles and civil wars accompanying the Republic's collapse~Offers a new perspective on the intellectual history of the late Roman Republic itself, and opens a gap between Roman and Greek political thought~Shows that classical repub...

CHF 36.20

Hugo Grotius und die Antike

Straumann, Benjamin
Hugo Grotius und die Antike
Als Hugo Grotius 1604 vor der Aufgabe stand, die Beschlagnahme eines portugiesischen Schiffes durch eine niederländische Handelsgesellschaft rechtlich zu verteidigen, begegnete er dieser Herausforderung mit der Entwicklung eines konfessionell neutralen Naturrechts, das maßgeblich auf gewissen Normen des römischen Rechts und der praktischen Ethik Ciceros beruht. "Hugo Grotius und die Antike" zeigt, wie diese bisher vernachlässigte normative rö...

CHF 66.00